Donations and Assistance

Donate, Bequeath, Endow, Give – We need you!

Our work depends on your help. With your donation of time and treasure, you help us give support to people who really need it. Make our Foundation a matter of the heart.

Would you like to help us with your donation of your treasure or your time?
Then let us show you some possibilities. We are grateful for you!

Your possibilities

Donate money

You can decided whether you want to support a specific campaign project, or allow us to use your gift where it is most needed.
Your donation will go to the people it is meant for. We stand for fiscal responsibility and reliability in stewarding your resources.

Donate for Specific Occasions

A milestone birthday, a wedding anniversary, or a company anniversary – many significant life events can inspire thoughts about people who need help and support.
Likewise, there may be a desire to promote a charitable cause after the death of a loved one, in his or her memory.
These special gifts allow people to feel connected to our work in the good times and the difficult times.
Contact us for more information!

Clothing and Material Donations

You can help us with a donation of clothing or other items. Donated items are first provided to residents of the Foundation. Anything beyond their needs is sold in our second-hand shop.
Non-usable textiles go to a sorting company, which brings them to sustainable recycling.

We gladly accept: new and gently used clothes (must be clean), bed and table linen (made after 2015), as well as toys and books.

Collection Times

Clothing and Material Donations
Neinstedter - Straße 1a 06502 Thale
Telefon: +49 (3947) 77 290 67
Telefon: +49 (3947) 94 16 10

Collection Monday-Thursday 7:00a-3:30p; Friday 7:00a-12:00p.
Pick-up service for larger donations is possible. Please contact us.
You can also mail your donations. Please provide postage, or we will be unable to accept your package.

You can leave a legacy that lasts long after you’re gone by doing good with your estate and caring for the future of others.

The Evangelische Stiftung Neinstedt can be considered in a will. Our Foundation is exempt from inheritance tax and can use legacies in their entirety to benefit our work.

We are happy to advise you at any time in this matter of the heart.

We assure you we will use your legacy promptly and conscientiously. We promise you that your affairs are in good hands with us. Please contact us personally with your request.

You can help with the establishment of a named endowment or the endowment of our Foundation. These gifts are donations to the assets of an existing endowment, which works entirely in your interest. However, their capital – unlike a regular donation, which is subject to timely use of funds – serves longer-term planning and projects.

Contributing your assets to an endowment can be a targeted and effective gifts with little effort.

When your corporation gives to the Evangelische Stiftung Neinstedt, you show social commitment and assume social responsibility. Let your employees, customers, and business partners participate and inform you of their support for us.
Help us with in-kind or sustaining donations. Special occasions such as celebration or fundraisers are wonderful opportunities to advertise your support of the Foundation. Consider replacing customer gifts with donations to the Evangelische Stiftung Neinstedt to communicate your commitment. Use your communication platform to demonstrate your support and share in the positive image of our Foundation.

We are happy to advise you and present projects that suit you and your company.

Upon receiving your contribution, we will send you a donation receipt, which you can use for tax purposes.

If you have further questions about how we could partner together, please contact us.

Volunteer work is an essential part of the work of the Foundation. There are a variety of different areas of activity waiting for your help. Volunteering is rewarding both for you and those you serve.

If you would like to actively support our Foundation through your personal commitment, please contact us. Our community is a great place to share your time and talents!

What you can expect from us:

  • volunteering agreement
  • travel expenses reimbursement
  • dedicated contact person to accompany you.

We need continuous help with the following:

  • Helpers at the annual festival
  • Accompanying the tutor holiday community
  • Volunteering with animals or without animals
  • One-time or weekly activities

If none of these fit your schedule, you are welcome to discuss further possibilities with us.

The Evangelische Stiftung Neinstedt is always in need of friends and allies who support the cause of the Foundation and find meaning and joy in working for people with disabilities and chronic illnesses.

Friends of the Foundation

If you would like to receive regular information about our work and how you can support us, become a Friend of the Foundation. You will receive our newsletter three times a year with up-to-date information and the latest campaign projects.

Register to be a Friend of the Foundation:

I would like to become a Friend of the Evangelische Stiftung Neinstedt, and would be glad to receive regular contact by mail.

Current Campaign Projects

If you want to contribute to our annual campaign or to a specific project area, see details below.

Nature Adventure Playground


The Marienhof, our organic farm, is the perfect location for a new nature adventure playground to serve as a therapeutic option for people with disabilities.

Please help us with a donation.

Leisure Work

In the area of leisure and free time, we’re working to expand accessibility in such areas as sport, culture and church, education, and vacation.

Please help us with a donation.

 Aquatic Therapy Pool

In a state-of-the-art therapy pool, we offer relaxation and more mobility to people with severe disabilities through aquatic therapy.

Please help us with a donation.

Physical Therapy in Tanzania

Physiotherapie in Tansania

We also ask for support for our partner in Tanzania for the development of physical therapy and other projects.

Please help us with a donation.


Evangelische Stiftung Neinstedt
Lindenstraße 2
06502 Thale OT Neinstedt

+49 (3947) 99 - 0
+49 (3947) 99 - 199

Help quickly and directly


Donation accounts

Bank für Sozialwirtschaft
IBAN: DE75 8102 0500 0004 4307 00

IBAN: DE81 8105 2000 0300 0901 45

Bank für Kirche und Diakonie (KD-Bank)
IBAN: DE24 3506 0190 1556 2270 27


Birgit Schiefer
Stellvertretende Spendenbeauftragte
Birgit Schiefer
Evangelische Stiftung Neinstedt
Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Fundraising
Lindenstraße 2
06502 Thale OT Neinstedt
Sylvia Polter
Sylvia Polter
Evangelische Stiftung Neinstedt
Kreuzhilfe Thale
Neinstedter Straße 1a
06502 Thale

Circle of Friends

receive a free friend letter
