Donation project:

Call for Donations  2018/2019

Found a home

Tim learned to walk late. Due to his disability, many things are difficult for him. „It the ground elevation changes, for example, he stops because he has difficulty assessing the new terrain,“ says physical therapist Ines Große. He needs outside stimulation. „We use positive incentives in a ‚learning by doing‘ framework, shaped by the environment. We meet Tim at his level, and then let him grow and learn,“ explains Ines Große.

Promote mobility and accessibility in nature

With the construction of this therapeutic adventure landscape at the Marienhof in Neinstedt, the Evangelische Stiftung Neinstedt seeks to create a place where practical life skills can be learned and strengthened. Being in a natural environment provides the outside stimulation necessary for the sensory development of an individual and self-determined life.

Give children like Tim the chance to gain their own experience of self through creative play and to lead a more self-determined lfe. Our nature adventure playground is the ideal setting for such development. Help us with your donation and support the expansion of our nature therapy offerings! The nature adventure playground at the Marienhof is the centerpiece of the 2018 annual campaign.

Your donation to us is a gift of love. You support children like Tim and give them a piece of vitality.

Thank you very much!

Photos: Andreas Damm

About the Marienhof

Located on the outskirts of the village of Neinstedt, the Marienhof is the organic farm of the Evangelische Stiftung Neinstedt and is currently being expanded conceptually. The farm currently houses a bakery, a small market with home-grown produce, a cider house, beehives, and housing for people with disabilities. Plans to expand the farm include adding a wood oven, a nature trail, and a natural therapeutic landscape. It will create a place where children and adults with and without disabilities can take advantage of the farm’s many offerings.


Evangelische Stiftung Neinstedt
Lindenstraße 2
06502 Thale OT Neinstedt

+49 (3947) 99 - 0
+49 (3947) 99 - 199

Help quickly and directly


Donation accounts

Bank für Sozialwirtschaft
IBAN: DE75 8102 0500 0004 4307 00

IBAN: DE81 8105 2000 0300 0901 45

Bank für Kirche und Diakonie (KD-Bank)
IBAN: DE24 3506 0190 1556 2270 27


Birgit Schiefer
Stellvertretende Spendenbeauftragte
Birgit Schiefer
Evangelische Stiftung Neinstedt
Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Fundraising
Lindenstraße 2
06502 Thale OT Neinstedt
Sylvia Polter
Sylvia Polter
Evangelische Stiftung Neinstedt
Kreuzhilfe Thale
Neinstedter Straße 1a
06502 Thale