The diaconal community is a community of faith and service made up of Protestant Christians, which supports the diaconal identity of the Evangelische Stiftung Neinstedt. Community members work full-time and as volunteers in parish communities and church offices, diaconal service providers, in business and in greater society. Today, the community numbers around 300 members. Community members live and work throughout Germany and is anchored in all facets of society. At this time, community members live and work in Tanzania, Austria, and Romania.
In this community of faith, life, and service – whether vocationally or avocationally – we feel bound to each other and strengthened by one another in three primary ways:
This connectedness and empowerment is seen in:
Elder of the Diaconal Community: Natalie Gaitzsch, Deacon, Neinstedt
Members of the Board of Elders:
Area Conference Leaders:
To stand alongside people, to devote time to them, to listen and search for ways out of despair and loneliness, but also to share profitable times - this is our work. We would like to translate our personal experiences with the liberating message of Jesus Christ into practical action and we feel connected to people in various situations of life.
Our diaconal community gives us support for the demands we face daily. It strengthens and encourages us in our tasks. Through pastoral counseling, mentoring, and in prayer, we receive help in difficult situations of our lives. In this community, we see and know each other as equals.
We are responsible for education and training in the Diakonie School at the Lindenhof Neinstedt. In the boarding-school of the Lindenhof Brother House, young people gain insight into spiritual life together.
We maintain an intensive cooperation and training tradition in Tanzania with the local Diakonie Center in Tandala.
There are continuing education opportunities in theological, professional and ethical subjects. The Diaconal Community also meets in area conferences throughout Germany. At these regional meetings, theological and diaconal topics are discussed and community is made tangible. In addition, meeting times for different interest groups according to age or professional activity take place.
Each year in October, all diaconal siblings gather for four days for the Diaconal Community Days in Neinstedt.
Do you have the desire to enter into community life? Then please reach out to Natalie Gaitzsch, the Elder of the Diaconal Community.
Anyone looking for a spiritual and diaconal place is welcome. Here you will find "preparation" for the professional and spiritual requirements that arise in everyday life. In our regular meetings diaconal siblings experience three dimensions of connectedness:
Evangelische Stiftung Neinstedt
Diakonischen Gemeinschaft
Lindenstraße 3
06502 Thale, OT Neinstedt
Dozentin für theologisch-diakonische Bildung
Diakonin, Ergotherapeutin, B.A. Soziale
Arbeit, M. Sc. Gerontologie
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