<p>This service is provided to seniors and
people with a nursing degree.</p>
<p>Your needs and desires are at the heart of our
actions. Our qualified staff will take care of your physical and mental
well-being. We are here to help you if you can no longer handle everyday life
while living on your own. </p>
<p>Together we work out a care plan tailored
to your individual needs. We walk you through the application process with
nursing care insurance and regulations regarding cost assumption. We are happy
to provide a free consultation over the phone or in person in the comfort of
your home. </p>
<p><strong>Basic Care<br /></strong></p>
<p>Our mobile services include daily personal hygiene,
food service, mobility, and many other everyday needs.</p>
<p>We can organize the following for you:</p>
care nursing aids
alarm systems
and Walks
to public authorities
and pedicures
</li></ul><p><strong>Medical Care<br /></strong></p>
<p>This care must be
prescribed by your doctor. Among other things, our duties include administering
medication, giving injections, changing dressings, wound care, stoma care, and
measuring blood pressure and blood sugar. Our experienced specialist staff is
trained in medical care and offers you the highest standard of care. </p>
<p>Your ambulatory
nursing service of the Evangelische Stiftung Neinstedt can be reached around
the clock. Contact us with confidence. For our service, we advise you by phone or in a direct conversation at your home. Of course, for free.</p>
are there for you 365 days a year. If you need our help, we will come to your
home 24 hours a day, nights, and bank holidays. </p>
phone numer: <a class="phone" href="tel:+4939484724740">+49 (39484) 724 740<br /></a></p>
services </strong>can be vital in many situations. We work together with emergency
services to arrange non-binding contact when appropriate.</p>
Evangelische Stiftung Neinstedt Diaconal Care Service Harzgerode Förstereiweg 11c 06493 Harzgerode